External Support System Innovation Configuration Matrix (ESS-ICM)

This ICM includes variations related to factors that are external, but important, to the PLC culture. These factors are: central office, parents and families, and community members.

External Support Systems Non-initiating Initiating Implementing Sustaining
Central Office Central office personnel provide minimal direction, resources and support for school improvement efforts. Central office personnel provide adequate direction, resources and support for school improvement efforts. Central office personnel participate consistently in providing direction, resources and support for school improvement efforts. Central office personnel play an integral role in building capacity within and across schools related to direction, resources and support for school improvement efforts.
Parents and Families Parents/families minimally participate in decision-making and issues related to student learning, school improvement and extra-curricular activities. Some parents/families participate in decision-making and issues related to student learning, school improvement and extra-curricular activities. Many parents/families participate in decision-making and issues related to student learning, school improvement and extra-curricular activities. Parents/families are regularly involved in decision-making and participate meaningfully around issues related to student learning, school improvement and extra-curricular activities.
Community Members Community members play a limited role in supporting student learning, school improvement and extra-curricular activities. Some community members play a role in supporting student learning, school improvement and extra-curricular activities. Many community members play a role in supporting student learning, school improvement and extra-curricular activities. Community members play a significant role in supporting student learning, school improvement and extra-curricular activities.
Copyright © 2010
Source: Hipp, K. K., & Huffman, J. B. (2010). Demystifying professional learning communities: School leadership at its best. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.

The ESS-ICM provides general representations of support from sources external to the school at each phase of development.